Abbey Road Crosswalk Declared Heritage Site

BY Alex HudsonPublished Dec 22, 2010

This year, the future of Abbey Road Studios was threatened, as EMI unveiled plans to sell the iconic building where the Beatles (and many others) recorded so many albums. The studio was eventually saved, as the British government declared it a historic site following a public outcry. Now, the Abbey Road crosswalk has received the same treatment.

The crosswalk is famous for being depicted on the Beatles' 1969 album, Abbey Road, and the piece of road has now been declared a heritage site with a Category II designation, meaning that it can only be altered with special approval from local authorities.

In a public statement, UK Tourism and Heritage Minister John Penrose said [via CBC], "This London zebra crossing is no castle or cathedral but, thanks to the Beatles and a ten-minute photo shoot one August morning in 1969, it has just as strong a claim as any to be seen as part of our heritage."

The crosswalk is a favourite landmark amongst tourists, who frequently recreate the Abbey Road album cover by posing for photos as they cross the street. There is even a webcam hooked up so you can check out the crossing from home.

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