I hope Fox is pricing these sets right. Once again, there are no extras, no frills, just straight up dramatic comedy conveyed by sensible animation. If you have at least glanced at KOTH over its ten-year run, you dont need me to tell you what its about. By season six of any show, most traits of every main and supporting character have been explored. This frees up several minutes per episode for plot developments that might have previously been required for character exposition. As such, there are more detailed storylines contrasting Cotton Hills experience as a veteran with Bills experience as a sad sack Army barber, the surprisingly strong Laotian community in Arlen and their exclusive golf club and Peggys slow and steady slide into near-idiocy. This season climaxes with the Hills going to Japan, supposedly to witness Cottons apology to a widow of a soldier he killed in World War II, only to find out that he fathered a half-brother to Hank who is as rigid as his Texas counterpart, only Japanese-style. In this two-parter, Bobby befriends a girl who shows him Dance Dance Revolution, one of the most inspired story sequences of the whole season. As with the more recent DVD sets of KOTH, this is not a great introduction, but hardcore fans will be happy. (Fox)
King Of The Hill: The Complete Sixth Season
BY David DacksPublished Jun 1, 2006