Saving Grace

The Urgency

BY Trystan MacDonaldPublished Jan 21, 2014

Saving Grace takes no prisoners with their fifth album, The Urgency. With an uncontrollable wrath — similar to the opening of Pantera's The Great Southern Trendkill — the first track "0+" sends a very clear message to the listener that eardrums and happy neighbors will have to be sacrificed in order to truly appreciate the aggressive nature of the album.

Despite Saving Grace's history with Christianity, and their frequent lyrical themes of salvation and redemption in their music, The Urgency is something straight out of the Old Testament; the band's heavy groove riffs, crushing breakdowns, and merciless vocals are likely to create mosh pits similar to the sacking of Jericho. It's early in the year but, so far, The Urgency is the heaviest album of 2014.

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