
Of Ghosts and Gods

BY Denise FalzonPublished Jul 29, 2015

Canadian death metal stalwarts Kataklysm have been moving their sound into more melodic territory with their past few releases, which is a risky move for a band going on 25 years of existence. Their latest offering, 12th full-length Of Ghosts and Gods, continues in this direction. The follow-up to 2013's Waiting for the End to Come preserves the much-admired Montreal, QC band's classic, groove-heavy death metal sound while incorporating more of their new, experimental approach.
"Breaching the Asylum" starts the record off on the slower side of things before the headbanging rhythms of "The Black Sheep" kick in; it's the iconic, "Northern hyperblast" sound of the latter that offers the kind of impact that old school fans want from a Kataklysm release. The intense, pummelling aggression surfaces in full force on tracks "Thy Serpents Path," "Vindication" and "Hate Spirit."
While a few tracks don't pack the same kind of brutal punch ("Carrying Crosses," "The World is a Dying Insect"), Of Ghosts and Gods is a strong release. The album exhibits Kataklysm's desire to keep things fresh and interesting by adding more colour to an otherwise monochrome, predictable sound.
(Nuclear Blast)

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