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Calvin Love

Super Future

BY Corey HendersonPublished Jun 12, 2015

Super Future, the latest album from Edmontonian Calvin Love, sounds like a collection of love songs from a space-travelling cyborg of the future. The album is filled with digitized drum samples and catchy synth riffs, all of which is paired quite well with Love's unique crooner-esque vocals. Where the album really shines, however, is in the excellent guitar work.
"Calls From Jupiter" is the first song on the album that really showcases the guitar work here. After about a minute of bass, synth and drums, the guitar slides in gracefully, weaving in and out of the song until the end. The outro solo brings some much-needed grit to the song, on a record that at times suffers from being a little too polished.
The penultimate track, "Creepin," is the darkest and rawest song on the record, a full-on rock song in the midst of Love's "future crooning." The guitar is blistering, the digital drums replaced with a more natural sound, and even Love's vocals are fuzzier, the first break from his robotically-smooth vocal style. Super Future somehow manages to sound like yesterday, today, and tomorrow, sometimes even at the same time.
(Arts & Crafts)

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