Björk Rushes Out the Release of 'Vulnicura' Today

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jan 20, 2015

Over the weekend, Björk's new album Vulnicura unexpectedly leaked online mere days after it was first announced. As a result, the Icelandic experimenter has pushed up the release date from March all the way up to today (January 20).

Yes, you read that right: Vulnicura will be available imminently. The nine-song collection will be released digitally on iTunes via One Little Indian. The wordwide rollout will take place throughout the coming 24 hours; as of press time, it's not yet out in Canada, although it's already available in some other regions.

UPDATE: The album is now also available in the Canadian iTunes store.

This expedited release only applies to the digital version, since the CD and vinyl versions will arrive as scheduled in March.

Björk is employing a similar strategy to Madonna, whose Rebel Heart also leaked ridiculously early. She responded by sharing a handful of tracks on iTunes ahead of the in-store release.

Björk has shared the following statement about her new album, which features production by Arca and the Haxan Cloak, as well as a guest appearance by Antony Hegarty:

i guess i found in my lap one year into writing it a complete heartbreak album . kinda surprised how thoroughly i had documented this in pretty much accurate emotional chronology .... like 3 songs before a break up and three after . so the anthropologist in me sneaked in and i decided to share them as such . first i was worried it would be too self indulgent but then i felt it might make it even more universal . and hopefully the songs could be a help , a crutch to others and prove how biological this process is : the wound and the healing of the wound . psychologically and physically . it has a stubborn clock attached to it .

there is a way out


1. Stone Milker 
2. Lion Song 
3. History of Touches
4. Black Lake 
5. Family 
6. NotGet 
7. Atom Dance (ft. Antony Hegarty) 
8. Mouth Mantra
9. Quicksand

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