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Arve Henriksen

Places of Worship

BY Nilan PereraPublished Sep 6, 2013

The debt to Miles Davis's ballad oeuvre is definitely on-point on this release by trumpet virtuoso Arve Henriksen, who winds his way through this meditative collection of spaces. The title refers to the atmospheres entered into by Henriksen, who augments the Norwegian stillness and brooding with injections of Indian and Celtic references. While there are periods where the music gets dangerously close to new age textural noodling, the electronics and orchestration, combined with Henriksen's masterful technique on trumpet — from brash to sounding as cloase to a flute as possible — saves the album from ambient redundancy. While not nearly as exploratory of space as his stunning work with Supersilent and Christian Wallumrod, this release is near-perfect winter night listening.
(Rune Grammofon)

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